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Unexpected `Unknown' result in theory with finite set

I want to show satisfiability of a simple vehicle configuration problem, in which any vehicle must have one wheel.

Here is the encoding:

(set-logic ALL)
(set-option :produce-models true)
(declare-sort Vehicle 0) ; type Vehicle

(declare-sort Wheel 0) ; type Wheel
(declare-fun wheels (Vehicle) (Set Wheel)); wheels: Vehicle -> Set(Wheels)

; number of wheels per vehicle
(assert (forall ((v Vehicle)) (= (card (wheels v)) 1)))


I ran it with CVC4 online, and got this:

; cardinality of Vehicle is 1
; cardinality of Wheel is 1
(define-fun wheels ((BOUND_VARIABLE_349 Vehicle)) (Set Wheel) (as emptyset (Set Wheel)))

I would expect it to be satisfiable, with 1 vehicle having a set of 1 wheel. Does it fail because the types are open ? I tried with enumerated types without success.

Trying with CVC5 online results in this:

(error "Parse Error: /code.txt:10.50: Symbol 'card' not declared as a variable")


  • For CVC5; use set.card instead of card.

    In either case, CVC will not be able to answer your query, because mixing quantifiers makes the logic semi-decidable. Note that when quantifiers are present, you can describe infinite sets; which takes the logic to the semi-decidable fragment. So, don't expect CVC to be able to answer your queries about sets when you use quantifiers.

    (See for an example how quantifiers allow you to specify infinite sets.)