I'm working on implementing opsgenie for the first time, with a new airflow instance. I have been unable to receive alerts so far, even though everything seems to be correctly set up.
I already have my account/team and integrations (slack and api) set. I already configured the opsgenie conection in airflow (using the slack api key as password). An I already added the opsgenie hook to my code.
It all seems to work ok. According to the airflow logs, the opsgenie genie request is correctly sent. I even get responses like this:
Sending 'POST' to url: https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/alerts
<Response [202]>
{'result': 'Request will be processed', 'took': 0.007, 'requestId': '65f2a665-40ea-4173-967e-xxxxxxxxxx'}
If I search for the request id, I get this response:
"data": {
"success": true,
"action": "Create",
"processedAt": "2023-01-03T16:40:03.08Z",
"integrationId": "xxx",
"isSuccess": true,
"status": "Created alert",
"alertId": "xxx",
"alias": "ECO_OPSGENIE_ALERTS-send_opsgenie_alerts-20230103"
"took": 0.004,
"requestId": "65f2a665-40ea-4173-967e-xxxxxxxxxx"
However, NO alerts are ever sent, and I can't see them anywhere in the opsgenie alerts section. And of course I also get bothing on slack or on the opsgenie app.
If I create a "manual" alert using the opsgenie app, I do get slack and app alerts... but nothing using the API.
I also tried directly from postman, but same thing: no alerts are sent, even though the response says they were correctly created.
Any idea what could be causing this and how to solve it?
Not sure if anyone will need this, but I solved it. I had to add this parameter to the request's body:
"responders": [ { "name": team_name, "type": "team" } ]
team_name is the name of my configured team in opsgenie. That's it. Now it's all working.