I have a java method which has to return both List<ObjectA>
and a List<List<String>>
for each and every call made to it.
One way I can think of achieving this is by returning Map<String, Object>
where string will be key and object will be my lists.
But I think returning a Map is not an elegant way of doing so in my scenario. Any help with this?
With Java 14+, we have the possibility to use Records (JEP 395, openjdk.org
). Without knowing anything of the semantics, I will demonstrate the usage with a generic record Pair
, but we can of course always find more descriptive names.
We define a generic Pair
of generic types T
and U
record Pair<T, U> (T first, U second) {}
And a dummy-implementation of ObjectA
class ObjectA {
private final String name;
public ObjectA(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return "ObjectA{" +
"name='" + name + '\'' +
We can then implement our method like this:
public static Pair<List<ObjectA>, List<List<String>>> foo() {
return new Pair<>(
List.of(new ObjectA("one"), new ObjectA("two")),
List.of("three", "four"),
List.of("five", "six"),
List.of("seven", "eight")));
And call it like this:
var fooResult = foo();
System.out.println(fooResult.first()); // prints the List<ObjectA>
System.out.println(fooResult.second()); // prints the List<List<String>>
This would produce the following output:
[ObjectA{name='one'}, ObjectA{name='two'}]
[[three, four], [five, six], [seven, eight]]
Pair[first=[ObjectA{name='one'}, ObjectA{name='two'}], second=[[three, four], [five, six], [seven, eight]]]
(Sorry, no Ideone.com
demo, Ideone does not support Java 14+, only Java 12)