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Which Spring Cloud AWS version should be used with Spring Boot 3?

I am trying to make SqsListener work but I can't with Spring Boot 3, it simply doesn't receive anything. When I change Spring Boot version back to 2.X everything's work perfectly. I am using 2.4.2 version of Spring cloud:


Can you please point me to the correct version of spring cloud? Would I need to use milestone version for that?


  • It doesn't work as version 2.4.2 of spring-cloud-starter-aws-messaging relies on spring.factories for Spring Boot autoconfiguration, but the support for that has been removed in Spring Boot 3.0.0. See

    You can enable the auto configuration by creating the following file

    # content

    But, it probably won't work anyway as spring-cloud-aws also relies on classes from Spring Messaging that were deprecated and removed in Spring 6 (which is used in Spring Boot 3), specifically

    You'll have to wait for Spring Cloud AWS to support Spring Boot 3. They are working on Spring Cloud AWS 3.0.0, but I don't think it has a release date yet.