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how to send message to azure bot in python via direct line service

We recently deployed a Bot to Azure with type User assigned managed identity, so I only have app id, but not app password. I am trying to send messages via the Direct Line service from a python app. Following are my code:

from botframework.connector.auth import MicrosoftAppCredentials
from botframework.connector.client import ConnectorClient

credentials = MicrosoftAppCredentials("YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "")
client = ConnectorClient(credentials, base_url=base_url)

connectorClient = ConnectorClient(credentials, base_url=base_url)
client.conversations.send_to_conversation(conversation_id, message, service_url=base_url)

The python package I installed is botframework-connector==4.14.0

I got an error about access_token. Can anyone help what I am missing?



  • You can make use of the request library to send direct message to azure bot via direct line like this :

    import requests
    # Replace YOUR_DIRECT_LINE_SECRET with your bot's Direct Line secret
    direct_line_secret = 'YOUR_DIRECT_LINE_SECRET'
    # Set the headers for the request
    headers = {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + direct_line_secret,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    # Set the parameters for the request
    data = {
        'type': 'message',
        'from': {
            'id': 'YOUR_USER_ID'
        'text': 'Hello, world!'
    # Send the request to the Direct Line API
    response ='', json=data, headers=headers)
    # Print the response status code

    If you want a user-assigned managed identity to authenticate the BotFrameworkConnectorClient without specifying an app password. Follow this :

    import os
    from botframework.connector import ConnectorClient
    from botframework.connector.auth import AzureActiveDirectoryAuthentication
    # Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_TENANT_ID with your own values
    # Get the access token for the Bot Framework API
    auth = AzureActiveDirectoryAuthentication(CLIENT_ID, TENANT_ID)
    access_token = auth.get_access_token()
    # Create a ConnectorClient
    client = ConnectorClient(auth, base_url='')
    # Set the parameters for the request
    conversation_id = 'YOUR_CONVERSATION_ID'
    activity = {
        'type': 'message',
        'from': {
            'id': 'YOUR_USER_ID'
        'text': 'Hello, world!'
    # Send the message
    response = client.conversations.send_to_conversation(conversation_id, activity)
    # Print the response

    or you could use ManagedIdentityCredential

    import os
    from azure.identity import ManagedIdentityCredential
    from botframework.connector import ConnectorClient
    # Set the resource and tenant ID
    RESOURCE = ""
    # Create a ManagedIdentityCredential
    credential = ManagedIdentityCredential(resource=RESOURCE, tenant_id=TENANT_ID)
    # Create a ConnectorClient
    client = ConnectorClient(credential, base_url='')
    # Set the parameters for the request
    conversation_id = 'YOUR_CONVERSATION_ID'
    activity = {
        'type': 'message',
        'from': {
            'id': 'YOUR_USER_ID'
        'text': 'Hello, world!'
    # Send the message
    response = client.conversations.send_to_conversation(conversation_id, activity)
    # Print the response
