I have developed add-in in C# (Not VSTO App). There are 4 projects in one solution.
Now i want to make a installer of it. I have created a wix setup project of it. But when i am trying to build this project, Its giving error as below :
Candle.exe : The extension 'Project1.dll' could not be loaded because of the following reason: Could not load file or assembly 'Project1.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
If i am changing configuration from x64 to x86, It gives below error :
candle.exe(0,0): error CNDL0307: Either 'Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.AssemblyDefaultWixExtensionAttribute' was not defined in the assembly or the type defined in extension '...._bin\output\Project4.dll' could not be loaded.
Here is the build log where i am getting above (2nd) error :
C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.14\bin\candle.exe
-d"DevEnvDir=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE\\" -dSolutionDir=C:\Users\...\OutlookPlugin\
-dProjectExt=.wixproj -dProjectFileName=Project1.addin.setup.wixproj
-dTargetExt=.msi -dTargetFileName=Project1.addin.setup.msi
-out obj\\Debug\ -arch x64
-ext "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.14\bin\\WixUIExtension.dll"
-ext "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.14\bin\\WixNetFxExtension.dll"
-ext ..\..\_bin\output\Project4.dll
-ext ..\..\_bin\output\Project3.dll
-ext ..\..\_bin\output\Project2.dll
-ext ..\..\_bin\output\Project1.dll Product.wxs
I have added all references to it & Wix editor not showing any error.
I don't know why this error is occurring.
Need a solution of it. Thanks All.
Is ...._bin\output\Project4.dll
a WixExtension?
If not (and I'm guessing it isn't), you need to remove the -ext
switch and the path so the WiX Toolset doesn't try to load the file as a WixExtension. You'll probably want to do the same for all of these as well.
-ext ..\..\_bin\output\Project4.ui.dll
-ext ..\..\_bin\output\Project3.dll
-ext ..\..\_bin\output\Project2.dll
-ext ..\..\_bin\output\Project1.dll