I have an application where I draw up to date locations on a map. These locations update about every second. I'm trying to have it so that I can hover over the locations, which are svg circles but onMouseOver keeps calling every time my useEffect updates the data and the locations on the map update. How can I fix this problem.
So basically I have an svg, which has a list of the following elemnts in:
const location = <circle
key = {'serialNumber'}
cx = {x}
cy = {y}
r = {4}
onMouseOver = {displayPilotName('name')}
And I draw that on a map. My useEffect works as following:
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
droneService.getAll().then(droneInfo =>
}, 500)
return () => clearInterval(interval)
}, [])
I think the problem is because these two but might be cause by something else, but if I changed The interval to say 3 seconds it only called onMouseOver every 3 seconds. Also hover in css works fine, but I need to call an function from the hover so it doesn't work for this.
You are calling that function every render and passing whatever it returns... you should instead pass callback function
const location = <circle
key = {'serialNumber'}
cx = {x}
cy = {y}
r = {4}
onMouseOver = {()=>displayPilotName('name')}
this will be triggered only on mouseOver