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Wordpress PhP rendering user code gotten by ACF's get_field() function in iframe

eMy wordpress site has a custom post type called tool, which has three custom fields called html, css, and js. This tool post type is displayed on my site with a custom template, and a shortcode that renders the contents of the html, css, and js fields in an iframe. This shortcode is created by a function in my functions.php file, and a simplified version of this function looks like this:

function renderTool() {
return '







      .container {background:blue;}




    <div id="container" class="container">

      <div id="tool" class="tool cssreset">

      <iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' . 
      <style>' . htmlspecialchars(get_field("css")) . '</style>
      <script>' . htmlspecialchars(get_field("js")) . '</script>
    <body>' . htmlspecialchars(get_field("html")) . '</body>
        . '"></iframe>


      <div class="bar" id="bar">

         <i class="toggle fa fa-solid fa-expand"></i>




      function myfunction() {

console.log("hello world");





The problem with this code is that when i use the shortcode which runs this function, it only renders the css, and the html and js are rendered in plain text.

I chatted with openai's chatgpt about it and it recommended me to store the iframe contents in a seperate html file and then to set the iframe src to this html file as such:

$css = htmlspecialchars(get_field("css"));

$js = htmlspecialchars(get_field("js"));

$html = htmlspecialchars(get_field("html"));

// Create the inner document and save it to a separate file

$inner_document = '




        '. $css .' 



        '. $js .' 




      '. $html .' 




file_put_contents('inner-document.html', $inner_document);

// Use the inner document as the src for the iframe

return '<iframe src="inner-document.html"></iframe>';

This soultion i already dislike because it just seems like it is complicating things even more. When i did try to use this code, the iframe instead rendered the page i was on and an equally broken iframe in it. iframeception.

Another thing i tried was passing the html that should be in the iframe inside a urlencode as such: (this is a snippet, this code would replace the iframe in my current approach)

<iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' . urlencode(
      <style>' . htmlspecialchars(get_field("css")) . '</style>
      <script>' . htmlspecialchars(get_field("js")) . '</script>
    <body>' . htmlspecialchars(get_field("html")) . '</body>
        ) . '"></iframe>

This just rendered it as raw text into the correct html elements at least (view

To clarify further, these get_field() functions are from a wordpress plugin called acf, view the documentation here:

From all of this information i concluded that the error must stem from the string literals not properly being escaped and therefore conflict with/ cause the rest of the values to be returned in string format. Yet i was hoping that the htmlspecialchars was gonna solve it, but it only helped with rendering CSS. In my current solution, I put all the code I want to render inside the iframe's source using a data URL, the iframe closing tag comes after the content of the iframe therefore.

So you can further visualize what i am trying to convey, here is the link to the page that is suffering this bug: It is posible i still have some testing code on here so you will see something a bit diffrent than i described but i will try to change it to this when i get back.

I chatted with chatGPT for over 3 hours yesterday but concluded that when i realized that it started going in circles. I doubt there is a replacement for the get_field function, or an argument that would help with this, but if there is do tell me, i also have yet to integrate validation for those html, css, and js fields, so for now, just expect proper code being passed.


  • Instead of passing the html as a data url, a better approach is to use the srcdoc attribute of the iframe. This allows you to pass a string (the html) to it and render it properly. You will have to keep the htmlspecialchars function because otherwise the double quotes that may be returned by get_field as it is user submitted would end the srcdoc value string.