I have read the Helm docs and various StackOverflow questions - this is not (I hope!) a lazy question. I'm having an issue overriding a single particular value in a Helm chart, not having trouble with the concept in general.
I'm trying to install the Gitea helm chart on a k8s cluster on Raspberry Pis (that is - on arm64
architecture). Since the default memcached dependency chart is from Bitnami, who don't support arm64, I have overridden the image appropriately (to arm64v8/memcached
, link).
However, this new image has a different entrypoint - /entrypoint.sh
instead of /run.sh
. Referencing the relevant part of the template, I believed I needed to override memcached.args
, but that didn't work as expected:
$ cat values.yaml
repository: "arm64v8/memcached"
tag: "1.6.17"
- "/entrypoint.sh"
enabled: false
$ helm template gitea-charts/gitea --values values.yaml
# Source: gitea/charts/memcached/templates/deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: release-name-memcached
namespace: gitea
labels: [...]
matchLabels: [...]
replicas: 1
labels: [...]
serviceAccountName: release-name-memcached
- name: memcached
image: docker.io/arm64v8/memcached:1.6.17
imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
- /run.sh # <----- this should be `/entrypoint.sh`
value: "false"
- name: memcache
containerPort: 11211
However, when I instead overrode memcached.arguments
, the expected behaviour occurred - the contents of memcached.arguments
rendered in the template's args
(or, if memcached.arguments
was empty, no args
were rendered)
Where is this mapping from arguments
to args
taking place?
Note in particular that the Bitnami chart docs refer to args
, so this is unexpected - though note also that the Bitnami chart's values.yaml
refers to arguments
in the comment (this is what prompted me to try this "obviously wrong" approach!). In the "Upgrade to 5.0.0 notes", we see "arguments
has been renamed to args
." - but the Gitea chart is using a >5.0.0 version of the Bitnami chart.
You're reasoning is correct. And the current parameter name is definitely called args
is deprecated, someone just forgot to update the comment here).
Now, why arguments
work for you and args
? I think you're just using the old version, before it was renamed. I checked it and:
Gitea chart uses version 5.9.0
from the repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitnami/charts/pre-2022/bitnami
This corresponds to the following Helm Chart: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami/memcached-5.9.0.tgz (you can check it here).
When you extract this file chart, you see it's the old version of chart (with arguments
not yet renamed to args