how can i re-use the session with updated KieFileSystem?
below is code which i am using
private static KieSession getNewKS(File dir) {
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieFileSystem kfs = ks.newKieFileSystem();
dir.listFiles().forEach(file -> kfs.write(ResourceFactory.newFileResource(file)));
KieBuilder kb = ks.newKieBuilder(kfs);
KieModule km = kb.getKieModule();
KieContainer kc = ks.newKieContainer(km.getReleaseId());
return kc.newKieSession();
Your getNewKS
method contains "Build resources (kb.buildAll()
)" which is a heavy process. You should want to call it only when you add/modify resources. On the other hand, creating a new KieSession is a lightweight process. Creating a new KieSession on every request is a normal usage. You can repeatedly create new KieSessions from the same KieContainer. I recommend to measure elapsed times.
Here is an example, I hope it helps
At this point, you don't need to consider "re-use ksession". Actually, KieContainer has KieSessionPool but it would be required for finer tuning scenario.