Suppose I have 2 pods podA and podB, each one having 2 containers. I'd like to diplay:
podA containerA
podA containerB
podB containerA
podB containerB
Using jsonpath, I'm only able to display this kind of output
podA containerA
podB containerA
using this command:
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{}{range .spec.containers[*]}{.name}{'\n'}{end}{end}"
Is it possible to repeat the pod name, using only kubectl command?
I think not.
There's no support for variable assignment so it's not possible to capture a value for Pod's name from the outer loop (range .items[*]
) to access from within the inner loop once the inner range
rescopes the pipeline.
I understand the intent in wanting to use only kubectl
but this limits you to kubectl
's JSONPath implementation.
is a more general-purpose JSON processor that is reasonable to expect|assume be installed by your users. It would permit capturing the Pod's name.
I don't have access to a cluster but something like:
| as $pod
| .spec.containers[].name as $container
| $pod+" "+$container
jq -r "${FILTER}"