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How to use "org.eclipse.ui.internalTweaklets"

No usage information of this extension point is found in Google
Although it is internal, I still want to know how to use it


  • This extension point is a way for internal Eclipse code to define classes to make small changes (tweaks) to various operations.

    The format of the extension point is:

              name="Cocoa Title Path Updater">

    On my Eclipse on macOS this the only use of this extension point.

    definition is the name of an existing abstract class in Eclipse. Only classes which support tweaklets can be specified, this is not a general mechanism to change anything.

    implementation is a class extending the abstract class that is being provided by the plug-in.

    id and name don't appear to be used.

    The particular extension point I have shown is only used on macOS and is used to set the call the NSWindow.representedFile API when the main window title is set.