I'm a beginner at Three JS and need some help with my code. Please, Could you help me for a second?
1| Button1 "increase + 1". After Clicking Button 1, ROOM1 will move to ROOM2 Location and so forth. Room8 will move to ROOM1 position.
2| Button2 "increase + 2". After Clicking Button 2, ROOM1 will move to ROOM3 Location and so forth. Room8 will move to ROOM2 position.
Here's an example of what I mean:
This is my Code in Sandbox.
Please help me.
Thank You So much for Your Precious Time
I'm expecting the solution that how can I use a click button and move my 3d Objects(room)
Using react state changes i did this solution.
First, you have positioned every room at a fixed point. You need to rotate the rooms which means you need to change their positions.
For this, i changed the fixed points in Room components to take it from props.
Example: for room8,
export function Room8({position,...props}) {
const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF('./models/room8.glb')
return (
<group castShadow receiveShadow {...props} dispose={null}>
<group castShadow receiveShadow position={position} rotation={[Math.PI, 0, Math.PI]}>
...your code
do this for all rooms.
Then add those positions as array in your PartOne.js
const positions= useMemo(()=>[
[-4, -2.7, 0],
[-0.5, -2.7, 3.6],
[-7.6, -5.5, 0],
[-4.5, -5.5, 3.6],
[-0.4, -5.5, 7.2],
[-7.6, -8.3, 3.55],
[-4, -8.3, 7.2]
In PartOne.js
add a state to have your rooms in order.
const [rooms,setRooms]=useState(
add your button and rotate the room array,
<button onClick={()=>{
let arr=[...rooms];
}}>Rotate +1</button>
render the state rooms
inside canvas,
<Canvas shadows camera={{ fov:70, position: [0,0,30] }} >
<Suspense fallback={null} >
<ambientLight intensity={0.3} />
<directionalLight castShadow receiveShadow intensity={2} position={[80,80,80]} />
<ContactShadows />
<OrbitControls enablePan={true} enableZoom={true} enableRotate={true} />
Adding the sandbox with above changes for your reference,