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Create a TRULLY detached process (as if it was opened from outside the main process)

Ok, I know that this is a common question already adressed in other threads but please let me add some context:

I'm working on a server-client apllication which provides a CLI, I need two instances of this application working first instance acts as server and second instance acts as backup server; both servers are connected through a TCP sockets. In certain situations the role of server and backup server can swap, this can happen writting a swap instruction on the CLI.

I'm connecting to the CLI using PuTTY. The PuTTY instance is opened inside the application with a call to CreateProcess:


// ...

process_information = PROCESS_INFORMATION();

BOOL success = CreateProcess
    command, // putty.exe param1 param2

Doing this call the PuTTY process appears as child of my application process both on task manager and Process Explorer.

But I have a problem with this approach: for some unknown reason if the PuTTY console is open when the server becomes backup server it maintains the TCP listener open and after swapping again it creates a new listener on the same port, then the backup server connects to the previous TCP listener which is not managed by the application anymore.

Here is the catch:

  • If I close the PuTTY console the zombie TCP listener closes and then the connection is stablished with the correct listener.
  • If I open the PuTTY console manually (instead of calling CreateProcess from inside my application) the TCP listener closes propperly and swapping server roles works perfectly.

Until I figure out why opening the PuTTY instance from CreateProccess makes my TCP connections behave this way I want to open the PuTTY as if it was NOT opened from within my application.

What I've tried so far:

  1. Create a batch file that calls PuTTY and CreateProcess the batch file (failed).
  2. Create a job with CreateJobObject and assign the PuTTY process to that job (failed).

The reason behind the #1 try is that I've read that you can create a process (A) that creates a second process (B) and then finishing the first process (A) leaves it orpah, but I wasn't able to make the batch file run at all.

Any help is appreciated, thanks for your time.


  • ShellExecute, ShellExecuteEx should do what you want, they don't create parent-child relationships between precesses.