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how to create an overload operator for adding a new element to the beginning or end of a vector с++

First I would like to apologize for the quality of my code, I'm just learning. I have a university assignment.

String concatenation and adding one character to a string (like on the left and on the right). Implement using overloading the operator.

The question is this: I need to implement two overloads (operator+) First: adding one element to the end of the vector ( + 'e', ​​for example ). Second: adding an element to the beginning of the vector ('e' + , for example).

I have problems in order to implement the second part of the assignment. I searched similar questions on stackoverflow, but they did not help me much.

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
class String
    vector<T> ptr_string;

    String() // default value constructor (empty string)

    String(const String& other) // copy constructor of the same type
        int n = other.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

    String(T symbol, int n) // n times repeated value constructor
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

    String(String&& a) // move constructor
        : ptr_string(a.ptr_string)
        a.ptr_string = nullptr;

    int getLength() const
        return ptr_string.size();

    void printString() const
        int i = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < ptr_string.size(); i++)
            cout << ptr_string[i];
        cout << endl;

    template <typename T2>
    auto operator+(T2 b)
        return ptr_string;

    auto operator+(String const& a)
        return ptr_string;

int main()
    String<char> P = String<char>('P', 10);

    P + 'e';
    'e' + P;

I tried to pass a reference to a vector as a parameter, but I ran into a problem that this is most likely not the right solution.

auto operator+( String const& a)
    return ptr_string;

String<char> P = String<char>( 'P', 10);
'e' + P;

expected result: ePPPPPPPPPP


  • First, operator+ should not modify the current object. It should not return a vector but a new String<T>. It should be const.

    Your char,int constuctor misses to add a nullterminator. Maybe that was on purpose, but I changed it because I am using that constructor. Moreover, I removed the move constructor, because its not needed yet. In its implementation you assign nullptr to the vector which is wrong. You need not implement the move constructor, you can declare it as =default;. This is what I also did for the copy constructor, because the compiler generated copy constructor is as good (or better) than your self written one.

    Then, there is no + for 'e'+String in your code. When implmented as member then this is always the left operand. You can implement it as free function.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    template<class T>
    class String {   
        std::vector<T> ptr_string;
        String() { ptr_string.push_back('\0'); }
        String(const String& other) = default;
        String(T symbol, int n) {    
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int getLength() const {
            return ptr_string.size();
        void printString() const {
            int i = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < ptr_string.size(); i++) {
                std::cout << ptr_string[i];            
            std::cout << std::endl;
        template<typename T2>
        auto operator+( T2 b) const { 
            String res = *this;
            return res;
        auto operator+( String const& a) {
            String res = *this;
            for (const auto& c : a.ptr_string) res.ptr_string.push_back(c);
            return res;
    template<typename T2,typename T>
    auto operator+(const T2& b,const String<T>& a) { 
            return String<T>(b,1) + a;
    int main() {
        String<char> P = String<char>( 'P', 10);
        auto Y = P + 'e';
        auto Z = 'e' + P;


    This is just minimum changes on your code. I would actually implement also the other operators outside of the class as free functions. The loop in the char,int constructor should be replaced with the appropriate vector constructor and perhaps there is more which can be improved. For more on operator overloading I refer you to and What are the basic rules and idioms for operator overloading?