Search code examples

jquery, if specific elements contains specific text, change the icon class before this

i have this html code:

<div class="online-users">
online users
    <span class="user-online">
         <i class="fa fa-circle"></i>
         <span class="user-name">Ster</span>
    <span class="user-online">
         <i class="fa fa-circle"></i>
         <span class="user-name">dimitris</span>
    <!-- ... more users... -->

this code showing which users are online. I need a code to change the icons "i" before users names. Every user have specific icon.

i have try with this jquery code:

    $('.online-users span.user-name').each(function(){
        $(this:contains('Ster')).siblings('i').toggleClass('fa-solid fa-user-gear');
        $(this:contains('dimitris')).siblings('i').toggleClass('fa-solid fa-user-pen');

But nothing change. Any idea what is wrong with my code?


  • The main error in your code was using a selector like this:


    You need to pass a string to the jQuery $ function if you want to return the result of a css selector.

    I refactored better your code to achieve the desired result, so that there's a dedicated function to change the style, toggling those fontawesome css classes, of the <i> element next to an element containing the username you wish to style.

    The selector I used to fetch the .user-name element containing a given string was:

    $(`.online-users > .user-online > .user-name:contains('${username}')`)

    That's a template string (and it's wrapped by upticks instead of single quotes or double quotes). It looks for the element .user-name in that defined hierarchy and containing the value hold in the username variable.

    When document is ready, each username found gets styled like that.

    ...But the painful truth:

    Your approach doesn't play well with every scenario. Consider if you have a list of users where there's one containing the other like: user and user2. In that case the :contains selector will hit twice on the same element and will screw the style because you were toggling the class and not just adding it.

    EDIT: Later I better factored 4 modes to deal with the problem where one of them doesn't have issue with usernames sharing the same root.

     * Toggles the classes fa-solid and fa-user-gear to the <i> tags
     * matching this selector ran for each of the entry in the usernames list:
     * `.online-users > .user-online > .user-name:contains('${username}') i.fa`
     * Notes: it's the easiest approach but it relies on :contains so it won't be an exact match.
     * Plus it loops the usernames list delegating the elements search to css
    function styleUsers(usernames){
        //in our dreams this selector should return one element only
        //but there's always the chance that multiple usernames have the same root
        $(`.online-users > .user-online > .user-name:contains('${username}')`)
          .each((i, el)=>{ $(el).siblings('i').toggleClass('fa-solid fa-user-gear') });
     * Toggles the classes fa-solid and fa-user-gear to the <i> tag
     * included in all the elements .online-users > .user-online
     * if the inner .user-name text content perfectly matches with any
     * included in the usernames list passed as argument 
     * Notes: it loops through all the online element and makes the most accurate match
    function styleUsersAccurate(usernames){
      const users = $('.online-users > .user-online > .user-name');
      for(const user of users){
        const username = $(user).text();
          $(user).siblings('i.fa').toggleClass('fa-solid fa-user-gear');
     * Toggles the classes fa-solid and fa-user-gear to the <i> tag
     * hold inside the .user-online element containing the passed username
    function styleUser(username){
     $(`.online-users > .user-online > .user-name:contains('${username}')`)
      .toggleClass('fa-solid fa-user-gear');
    function toggleUsersIconStyle(mode){
      if(mode === 1)
        //styleUsersAccurate approach
      else if(mode === 2)
        //styleUsers approach
      else if(mode === 3)
        //styleUser approach (styling only the username listed in the array)
      else if(mode === 4)
        //styleUser approach (styling every single user existing in the dom)
        $('.online-users span.user-name').each((i, username)=>{
          styleUser( $(username).text() );
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""  />
    <div class="online-users">
      online users:
        <span class="user-online">
             <i class="fa fa-circle"></i>
             <span class="user-name">Ster</span>
        <span class="user-online">
             <i class="fa fa-circle"></i>
             <span class="user-name">dimitris</span>
        <!-- ... more users... -->