I have the following patterned mesh in 2D
I have a curved grid of 3D Uniform points
My trial:
The problem is I get a flattened curved mesh as shown it doesn't have the required depth due to using 2D Coordinates in the patterned mesh:
While the result mesh should look like this:
I'm using the following code to do the purpose:
std::vector<glm::vec3> voronoi_project_to_3D(std::vector<glm::vec3> &voronoi_pnts)
int i, iu, iv;
float u, v;
vec2 p0{}, p1{};
vec3 p;
vec3 c[4 * 4];
std::vector < glm::vec3> points_3d;
// compute BBOX of 2D voronoi
for (i = 0; i < voronoi_pnts.size(); i++)
p = voronoi_pnts[i];
if (!i) { p0 = p; p1 = p; }
if (p0.x > p.x) p0.x = p.x;
if (p1.x < p.x) p1.x = p.x;
if (p0.y > p.y) p0.y = p.y;
if (p1.y < p.y) p1.y = p.y;
// convert ot 3D
p1.x = float(mesh_nu-35) / (p1.x - p0.x);
p1.y = float(mesh_nv-35) / (p1.y - p0.y);
for (i = 0; i < voronoi_pnts.size(); i++)
p = voronoi_pnts[i];
u = (p.x - p0.x) * p1.x;
v = (p.y - p0.y) * p1.y;
iu = floor(u); u -= iu;
iv = floor(v); v -= iv;
mesh_pnt + iu + ((iv + 0) * mesh_nu),
mesh_pnt + iu + ((iv + 1) * mesh_nu),
mesh_pnt + iu + ((iv + 2) * mesh_nu),
mesh_pnt + iu + ((iv + 3) * mesh_nu));
points_3d.push_back(cubic_surface_get_it4(c, u, v));
return points_3d;
the problem is in the scaling from BBOX to u,v
and iu,iv
... as the target is piecewise cubic surface patch of resolution mesh_nu,mesh_nv
control points we need to select 4x4 control points starting with index 0,0
and ending with mesh_nu-3,mesh_nv-3
as cubic surface need 4 points per patch and axis so the code should be:
std::vector<glm::vec3> voronoi_project_to_3D(std::vector<glm::vec3> &voronoi_pnts)
int i, iu, iv;
float u, v;
vec2 p0{}, p1{};
vec3 p;
vec3 c[4 * 4];
std::vector < glm::vec3> points_3d;
// compute BBOX of 2D voronoi
for (i = 0; i < voronoi_pnts.size(); i++)
p = voronoi_pnts[i];
if (!i) { p0 = p; p1 = p; }
if (p0.x > p.x) p0.x = p.x;
if (p1.x < p.x) p1.x = p.x;
if (p0.y > p.y) p0.y = p.y;
if (p1.y < p.y) p1.y = p.y;
// convert ot 3D
p1.x = float(mesh_nu-3) / (p1.x - p0.x);
p1.y = float(mesh_nv-3) / (p1.y - p0.y);
for (i = 0; i < voronoi_pnts.size(); i++)
p = voronoi_pnts[i];
u = (p.x - p0.x) * p1.x;
v = (p.y - p0.y) * p1.y;
iu = floor(u); u -= iu;
iv = floor(v); v -= iv;
mesh_pnt + iu + ((iv + 0) * mesh_nu),
mesh_pnt + iu + ((iv + 1) * mesh_nu),
mesh_pnt + iu + ((iv + 2) * mesh_nu),
mesh_pnt + iu + ((iv + 3) * mesh_nu));
points_3d.push_back(cubic_surface_get_it4(c, u, v));
return points_3d;
Note I changed the -35
to -3
in order to work properly the constants mesh_nu,mesh_nv
must match the cubic surface control points mesh_pnt
For those of you that do not have context to this QA here full VCL/OpenGL source (BDS2006 C++ Builder) and win32 binary:
The example also contains my GLSL_math.h
template and newest version of gl_simple.h
(supporting geometry shaders) which I often use for SO code examples in my answers...
Here also related chat (containing all the info about the stuff behind it):