I am retrieving data in JSON format from a URL using URLSession. After decoding the JSON data, I print it for debugging reasons and also populate an array of struct CVE. The array has data, while inside the function jsonDataRequest, but when I try to get its elements from the ViewController, the array is empty. I searched for quite sometime on how to resolve it, but I am a bit stuck. Below is my code:
Inside the class, I have the following code: The structure
struct CVE : Decodable
var CVE : String
var severity : String
var cvss3_score : String? = nil
var public_date : String
var bugzilla_description : String
struct CVEdata : Decodable
var cves : [CVE]
The array I want to use from the ViewController
var arrCVE : [CVE] = []
The function I am calling from ViewController
func jsonDataRequest ()
let url = "https://access.redhat.com/hydra/rest/securitydata//cve.json?after=2022-12-26"
let urlObj = URL(string: url)
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: urlObj!) { (data, response, error) in
// Json to Array
self.jsonCVE = try JSONDecoder().decode([CVE].self, from: data!)
var strCVE : String
var strSeverity : String
var strCvss3_score : String? = nil
var strPublic_date : String
var strBugzilla_description : String
for oCVE in self.jsonCVE
print(oCVE.CVE + " " + oCVE.severity + " " + oCVE.public_date + " " + oCVE.bugzilla_description)
// get each the CVE info
strSeverity = oCVE.severity
if (oCVE.cvss3_score != nil)
strCvss3_score = oCVE.cvss3_score
strCvss3_score = ""
strPublic_date = oCVE.public_date
strBugzilla_description = oCVE.bugzilla_description
// save it to the array
self.arrCVE.append(CVE(CVE: strCVE, severity: strSeverity, cvss3_score: strCvss3_score, public_date: strPublic_date, bugzilla_description: strBugzilla_description))
// Logic after response has arrived
} catch
From the ViewController I instantiate an object from the class and access the array. I am displaying on a UITextView the array.count to see how many rows it contains
let oRedHatCVEs = RedHatCVEs()
txtvJSON.text = "Array elements: " + String(oRedHatCVEs.arrCVE.count)
and the result is Array elements: 0
Does it have to do with the asynchronous way the above code works? How can I finally get the array data back to my ViewController?
You are correct, it is to do with the asynchronous function jsonDataRequest
There are many ways to deal (i.e wait) for asynchronous function to finish, before using the data.
This sample code shows one way using Swift async/await framework. It also shortens the code to fetch the data.
class RedHatCVEs {
var arrCVE: [CVE] = []
func jsonDataRequest() async {
if let url = URL(string: "https://access.redhat.com/hydra/rest/securitydata/cve.json?after=2022-12-26") {
do {
let (data, _) = try await URLSession.shared.data(from: url)
arrCVE = try JSONDecoder().decode([CVE].self, from: data)
catch {
Use it like this:
let oRedHatCVEs = RedHatCVEs()
Task {
await oRedHatCVEs.jsonDataRequest()
txtvJSON.text = "Array elements: " + String(oRedHatCVEs.arrCVE.count)