This is about adding GraphQL to an existing Java api which takes in multiple lists as input.
I have an existing Java based REST API getFooInformationByRecognizer
which takes in a list of recognizers, where each recognizer object contains an id and it's type and returns information corresponding to each id.
The only 3 types possible are A, B or C. The input can be any combination of these types.
[{"id": "1", "type": "A" }, {"id": "2", "type": "B"},{"id": "3", "type": "C"}, {"id": "4", "type": "A"}, {"id":"5", "type": "B"}]
Here's it's Java representation:
class FooRecognizer{
String id;
String FooType;
This api does a bit of processing. First extracts out all the input that has ids of type A and fetches information corresponding to those ids. Similarly, extract out the ids that has type B and fetches information corresponding to those ids and similarly for C. So, it fetches data from 3 different sources and finally collates them to a single map and returns. Eg:
ids of type A --> A SERVICE -> <DATA SOURCE FOR A>
ids of type B --> B SERVICE --> <DATA SOURCE FOR B>
ids of type C --> C SERVICE --> <DATA SOURCE FOR C>
Finally does this: A information + B information + C information and puts this in a Java Hashmap.
The Java representation of the request to this service is:
class FooRequest{
private Bar bar;
List<FooRecognizer> list;
The Java representation of the response object from the service is:
class FooInformationResponse{
private Map<String, FooRecognizer> fooInformationCollated;
Sample JSON output of the response is:
"someProperty": "somePropertyValue"
"listOfNestedProperties": [{"x": "xValue", "y": "yValue", "z","zValue"]
"furtherNestedProperty": "value"
"someProperty": "somePropertyValue"
"listOfNestedProperties": [{"a": "aValue", "b": "bValue", "c","cValue"]
"furtherNestedProperty": "value"
}... and so on for other ids in the input
Now, I want to convert this service to GraphQL and here is my query.
fooRecognizer: [{
id: "1",
fooType: A
bar: {
barId: "someId",
...<other bar info>
Here is my GraphQL schema:
type Query{
getFooInfoByRecognizer (filterBy: getFooByRecognizerTypeFilter!):getFooByRecognizerTypeFilterResponse
input getFooByIdentifierTypeFilter{
bar: Bar!
fooIdentifiers: [FooIdentifier!]!
input Bar{
barId: String!
input FooIdentifier{
id: String!
fooIdType: fooIdtype!
enum fooIdType{
I have a few questions here:
query getFooInformationByRecognizer(barId, listOfAs, listOfBs, listOfCs)
. Any other choice that I have to query / model?The question is too broad to answer concretely, but here's my best attempt.
While there isn't a definitive answer on 1 complex input argument vs multiple simpler arguments, 1 complex argument is generally more desirable as it's easier for the clients to pass a single variable, and it keeps the GraphQL files smaller. This may be more interesting for mutations, but it is a good heuristic regardless. See the logic explained it more detail e.g. in this article.
The logic explained above echoes your own observations
For this specific scenario you listed, I don't see anything of importance for performance. You seem to fetch the whole list in one go (no N+1), so not much different from what you're doing for your REST endpoint. Now, I can't say how expensive it is to fetch the lower-level fields (e.g. whether you need JOINs or network calls or whatever), but if there's any non-trivial logic, you may want to optimize it by looking ahead into the sub-selection before resolving your top-level fields.