Search code examples

Sum first 20 rows in grouped items

I have a table named iran_ranking like:

user_id user_state point_year user_point user_sex
1 Tehran 2022 200 men
2 Tehran 2021 200 men
3 Ahwaz 2020 190 men
1 Tehran 2022 180 men
3 Ahwaz 2022 170 men

I want to sum all user_point of user_id like this:

user_id 1 = 380,
user_id 2 = 200,
user_id 3 = 360,

I reach the first goal with this statement:

SUM(user_point) AS pointsum
from iran_ranking 
where user_sex = 'men' AND point_year > 2019
group by user_id";

Now, I need to get sum of first 20 player of Tehran & Ahwaz like this:

Tehran = 580
Ahwaz = 360

I tried SELECT TOP(20) and gave me error, I also tried LIMIT 20, but it limited first 20 of all rows not first 20 of Tehran and first 20 of Ahwaz.


  • SELECT *,
           SUM(pointsum) AS pointsum_top20
    FROM (
        SELECT user_state,
               SUM(user_point) AS pointsum,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY user_state ORDER BY SUM(user_point) DESC) rn
        FROM iran_ranking 
        -- WHERE ...
        GROUP BY user_id, user_state
        ) subquery
    WHERE rn <= 20
    GROUP BY user_state