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How to create a new ButtonGroup in scala containing RadioButtons?

I am having trouble creating a ButtonGroup containing radio buttons in the Scala Programming Language. The code I am using is as following:

val buttongroup = new ButtonGroup {
  buttons += new RadioButton("One")
  buttons += new RadioButton("Two")

and my code for displaying the button group is within a BorderPanel:

layout += new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
} -> BorderPanel.Position.West

However, nothing displays... I've consulted the API and I'm not sure what is wrong!!


  • You should add a list containing the buttons to the panel, not the buttongroup itself, e.g.:

    val radios = List(new RadioButton("One"), new RadioButton("two"))
    layout += new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
      contents ++= radios         

    See also this example in the scala swing package itself.