I have a simple code like this:
{{#each records}} {{{this}}}, {{/each}}
I would like to produce an output like A, B, C, D - no comma after the last element (currently, there is one indeed). So I would need to determine within the cycle when an element is the last one, or something like that. I was thinking about a helper function but as the function would not know what element is being iterated, I cannot see how that would work.
You rather should process the list outside of the render and just display the result:
const list = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
Template.myTemplate.onCreated(function () {
this.list = new ReactiveVar()
list () {
return Template.instance().list.get()
Which will be A, B, C, D
Additionally, if you use three brackets {{{expression}}}
then you render directly to the DOM so use this with care!