I am attempting to plot in julialang a single plot with groupedDataFrames ... which isn't working if I just pass the array of traces... but for now I am just trying to put the GroupKey
as a string under the X-Axis of a single plot... but it just shows Trace0
.. Any ideas?
using PlotlyJS, DataFrames, Tables
gdf=groupby(subset_df, :company_name)
trace_array = []
for key in keys(gdf)
push!(trace_array, box(y=gdf[key].target_price, name=key))
Also tried
company_name_str = unique(gdf[key].company_name)
push!(trace_array, box(y=gdf[key].target_price, name=company_name_str))
no change in behavior
I got your point. You're just missing an indexing in the optional name
keyword argument: key[1]
I created a synthetic dataframe to reproduce it for you:
using PlotlyJS, DataFrames
df = DataFrame(
g=["group1", "group1", "group1", "group2", "group2"],
x=[1, 2, 3, 1, 2],
gdf = groupby(df, :g)
trace_array = []
for key in keys(gdf)
push!(trace_array, box(y=gdf[key].x, name=key[1]))
As you can see, the group1
is shown on the x-axis.