Is it possible to call a JS function, with a value from an ASP script?
I thought it was possible, so I tried the following method but I can't seem to get it to run. As you can see, I have an ASP variable "totalPages" in the JS call.
Response.Write "<form name=""pageSkip"" onsubmit=""return validatePageSkip("&totalPages&")"">"
I then have the JS function, which is:
function validatePageSkip(totalPages)
if ( > totalPages)
alert("Please enter a page number within range!");;
It won't even work just using this, when I submit with an empty text box:
Response.Write "<form name=""pageSkip"" id=""pageSkip"" onsubmit=""return validatePageSkip()"" method=""post"" action=""?cpr="&pageRange&"#main"">"
Response.Write "<input type=""text"" name=""cpn"" id=""cpn"" spellcheck=""false"" autocomplete=""off"" size=""3"" class=""pageSkipBox"" value="""¤tPage&""">"
Response.Write "</form>"
With this simple JS function:
function validatePageSkip()
if (document.pageSkip.cpn.value.length < 1)
I really don't know what is wrong. The form submits perfectly but it just won't call the function.
Can you spot anything?
Yes it is possible. but you need to make sure you escape your quotes correctly
Response.Write "<form name=""pageSkip"" onsubmit=""return validatePageSkip("&totalPages&")"">"
Personally I would prefer doing something like this in the head
<script type="text\javascript">
var totalpages = <%=totalPages%>;
Response.Write "<form name=""pageSkip"" onsubmit=""return validatePageSkip(totalpages)"">"