I'm a beginner at Three JS and have some issues with my code. My problem is I don't get the shadow properly in every object I attached. Here's the picture:
Here's my code in the sandbox:
import React, { Suspense, useRef } from 'react';
import { Canvas, useFrame } from '@react-three/fiber';
import { ContactShadows, OrbitControls, useGLTF } from '@react-three/drei'
import './PartOne.css';
import { RoomOne } from '../assets/Room1';
import { Room2 } from '../assets/Room2';
import { Room3 } from '../assets/Room3';
import { Room4 } from '../assets/Room4';
import { Room5 } from '../assets/Room5';
import { Room6 } from '../assets/Room6';
import { Room7 } from '../assets/Room7';
import { Room8 } from '../assets/Room8';
const PartOne = () => {
return (
<div className='wrapper' >
<Canvas shadows camera={{ fov:70, position: [0,0,30] }} >
<Suspense fallback={null} >
<ambientLight intensity={0.3} />
<directionalLight castShadow receiveShadow intensity={2} position={[80,80,80]} />
{/* <spotLight castShadow receiveShadow intensity={2} position={[80,80,80]} /> */}
<RoomOne />
<Room2 />
<Room3 />
<Room4 />
<Room5 />
<Room6 />
<Room7 />
<Room8 />
<ContactShadows />
<OrbitControls enablePan={true} enableZoom={true} enableRotate={true} />
export default PartOne
Please help me with this problem. Or tell me if there is any solution to get rid of it.
The default setting of the orthographic shadow camera is -5 for left and bottom and 5 for right and top (see DirectionalLightShadow). This range is not big enough for your scene. You need to adjust the view volume of the orthographic shadow camera. e.g.:
castShadow receiveShadow intensity={2} position={[80,80,80]}