In JOLT I am trying to rearrange distributed amount field. However, itemTotalAmount
is getting sorted correctly in the output but distributedAmount
is not.
Any idea what changes I need to make to the JOLT spec to get the distributedAmount
field in the output?
Link for Input and Spec-
Your Jolt spec file is about 490 lines!!!
This answer is not a good answer.
But I suggest you do all of your transformations and when it's done, see again your spec and try to optimize your spec. For example, In your case, you can merge some of your shift
operations together.
The simple and fastest way to achieve your desired output is adding a new spec to your current spec.
Please add the below spec to your current spec:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": { // IntegrationDetails
"*": { // integrationEntities
"*": { // integrationEntity
"*": { // 0
"integrationEntityHeader": "&4.&3.&2[&1].&",
"integrationEntityDetails": {
"*": { // poDetails
"*": "&6.&5.&4[&3].&2.&1.&",
"items": {
"item": {
"*": "&8.&7.&6[&5].&4.&3.&2.&1.&",
"validCombinations": {
"*": { // itemDetails
"validRules": "&10.&9.&8[&7].&6.&5.&4.&3.&2.&1.&",
"distributedAmount": "&10.&9.&8[&7].&6.&5.&4.&3.&2.&1.&"