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Form.IO - Form events not firing

I'm using Form.IO JS library for developing various new forms. Recently, the need to perform some actions upon opening the form has been presented. So, I searched the documentation on form events. Except from 'change' / 'submit' / 'focus' / 'blur' events, no other event is firing after initialising my form. I'm providing some of my code below:

Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('formio'), components, formOptions)
      .then(function(form) {
         // Working
         form.on('change', function() {
         // NOT WORKING
         form.on('initialized', function() {
         // NOT WORKING
         form.on('render', function() {

Does someone have any ideas whatsoever on why those events are not firing? Thanks in advance!


  • The initialized event should fire just fine as you've described. The render event will fire when you re-render the form.

    See JSFiddle and take a look at the comments and the console output.


    From our discussion below, it seems like you just want to know a certain point in the form render process where it's OK to add some custom logic. When the createForm resolves to the form instance, we're already in a place where a form has been initialized and rendered.

    Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('formio'), components).then((formInstance) => {
      // the createForm promise has resolved to 
      // the already-initialized and rendered form instance

    We can add event listeners here...

    Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('formio'), components).then((formInstance) => {

    but there's no need, handles that for you! A button with "action: 'custom'" takes a "custom" property, which is just a javascript string that the renderer will safely evaluate.

    var formJson = {
      components: [
        /* of components... */
          label: "<br>",
          action: "custom",
          showValidations: false,
          leftIcon: "fa fa-paperclip fa-rotate-90",
          customClass: "customUploadBtn",
          tableView: false,
          key: "customUploadBtn",
          type: "button",
          custom: "console.log(\"Clicked!\");",
          input: true
        /* etc... */

    I've made a JSFiddle with all this explained and some more conceptual stuff, let me know if this helps clear things up.