How can I avoid using the .block() method in the aspect component while making sure the annotation is completed before the method where is called starts executing?
I have some validations that needs to be executed before some methods from a service are executed
I have created a custom annotation, that I can use to annotate each method where I want to perform the validation
The Annotation looks like this:
public @interface PerformValidationInterface{
The Aspect method that i want to be executed looks like this:
@Before("execution(* *.*(..)) && @annotation(performValidation)")
public Mono<Void> doBeforeMethod(JoinPoint joinPoint, PerformValidationInterface performValidation) {
return validationService.validateObject(object)
//i am using defer becaue I don't want to evaluate the switchIfEmpty() if the validateObject() returns something
() -> anotherService.checkIfObjectExists(object)))
public ValidationService {
public Mono<Object> validateObject(Object object) {
//perform object validation
if (objectIsValid) {
return Mono.just(object)
} else {
return Mono.empty()
public FooService {
//How can I avoid using the .block() method in the aspect component while making sure the annotation is completed before the barMethod starts executing
public Mono<Bar> barMethod(Object arg1, Object arg2 ) {
//do some stuff and return a Mono<Bar>
My solution looks like this:
@Around("execution(* *.*(..)) && @annotation(performValidation)")
public Mono doBeforeMethod(JoinPoint joinPoint, PerformValidationInterface performValidation) {
return validationService
//i am using defer becaue I don't want to evaluate the switchIfEmpty() if the validateObject() returns something
() -> anotherService.checkIfObjectExists(object)
.then((Mono) joinPoint.proceed());
-> will wait until your validation logic(or some other logic) is completed, THEN will call the joinPoint.proceed()
-> will continue the execution of the annotated method