I'm trying to build routes for my service with Micronaut. Following this tutorial the example works fine.
This is my controller:
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.PathVariable
class DemoController {
fun issue(
@PathVariable a: String): String {
return "Issue # $a"
And this is my route class:
import io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
import io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
import io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
import jakarta.inject.Inject
import jakarta.inject.Singleton
class MyRoutes(executionHandleLocator: ExecutionHandleLocator,
uriNamingStrategy: RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy) :
DefaultRouteBuilder(executionHandleLocator, uriNamingStrategy) {
fun issuesRoutes(demoController: DemoController) {
GET("/issues/show/{number}", demoController, "issue", String::class.java)
Everything working fine so far.
The problem is that I have more than one parameter in the endpoint. For example:
class DemoController {
fun issue(
@PathVariable a: String,
@PathVariable b: String
): String {
return "Issue # $a"
In MyRoutes class, on the function issuesRoutes
, I need to set the parameterTypes for 2 params now, and I don't know how should I do it.
The documentation of RouteBuilder says as follow:
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
The number of variables in the template should match the number of method arguments
uri – The URI
target – The target
method – The method
**parameterTypes – The parameter types for the target method**
Returns:The route
public UriRoute GET(String uri, Object target, String method, Class... parameterTypes) {
return buildRoute(HttpMethod.GET, uri, target.getClass(), method, parameterTypes);
How could I tell the method the types of my two string params (@PathVariables) in this kind of param the method is expecting (Class... parameterTypes).
The error I get with this configuration is:
Caused by: io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.RoutingException: No such route: com.example.rest.DemoController.issue
Given a controller:
class DemoController {
fun issue(@PathVariable a: String, @PathVariable b: String) = "Issue # a=$a b=$b"
The route would be:
class MyRoutes(executionHandleLocator: ExecutionHandleLocator,
uriNamingStrategy: RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy) :
DefaultRouteBuilder(executionHandleLocator, uriNamingStrategy) {
fun issuesRoutes(demoController: DemoController) {
GET("/issues/show/{a}/{b}", // uri
demoController, // target
"issue", // method
String::class.java, String::class.java) //vararg parameterTypes:Class