Sorry if the title is a bit confusing, I didn't really know how to word what I wanted to ask.
Basically, I am making an api call to a database that returns data as such:
[{"profiles":{"testexample":{"addresses":[{"city":"","street1":"","street2":"apt 320"}],"addressType":"HOME","city":"","dateOfBirth":"","emailAddress1":"","emailAddress2":"","emailAddresses":[{"email":"","preferred":1,"type":"BUSINESS"},{"email":"","preferred":0,"type":"PERSONAL"}],"firstName":"","lastName":"","phoneNumber":"","phoneNumbers":[],"phoneType":"HOME","postalCode":"","preferred":1,"street1":"","street2":""}]
The code I have below works fine when the database returns a non-empty profiles {}. I have the following Java classes that looks like the following:
public class Account {
private Profiles profiles;
public Profiles getProfiles() {
return profiles;
public void setProfiles(Profiles profiles) {
this.profiles = profiles;
public class Profiles {
private Profile testExample;
public Profile getTestExample() {
return testExample;
public void setTestExample(Profile testExample) {
this.testExample = testExample;
public class Profile {
private String dateOfBirth;
public String getDateOfBirth() {
return dateOfBirth;
public void setDateOfBirth(String dateOfBirth) {
this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
So what I want to do when I get the data is check whether the getProfiles() returns empty, so I don't make the calls to anything within that object.
Please note, for the sake of simplicity I omitted other parts of the classes to focus primarily on what I wanted
This is what I have so far, and it works when the profiles {} is not empty
Account response = access.lookup(id, type); //This is to grab the response from the database, which is working.
response.getProfiles(); //This is the part that works when it has a profiles {} not empty, but fails on empty.
So what happens is that I don't get an error for response.getProfiles(), but if I tried to do response.getProfiles().getDateOfBirth(), it won't work because it will give a null pointer exception since the dateOfBirth isn't there.
I want to avoid calling anything within response.getProfiles() by skipping it if it's empty.
You need some basic null checking. The most basic way is to assign a new variable and check.
Profiles profiles = account.getProfiles();
if(profiles != null) {
//dosomething with profiles.getDateOfBirth()
The more "modern" functional Java way would be to use the Optional
String dateOfBirth = Optional.ofNullable(account.getProfiles())
.map(profile -> profile.getDateOfBirth)
(A note about your example: In the Account class, you have this.
public void setProfiles(Profiles profiles) {
this.profiles = profiles;
Which appears to be an incorrect @JsonProperty
annotation and might be causing some problems.
That said, it is not necessary to annotate the getters and setters. The one annotation on the field is sufficient.)