I am struggling with it a bit so far, but couldn't find an answer. Here is the core situation.
I have a GridView with ListModel:
GridView {
id: shapeSidePos
model: shapeSidePosList
delegate: ButtonIcon {
style: ButtonIcon.Styles.Parallel
icon: path
ListModel {
id: shapeSidePosList
ListElement { path: "../../images/shape_side_positioning_base.png" }
ListElement { path: "../../images/shape_side_positioning_right.png" }
And in a runtime I get error:
ReferenceError: path is not defined
The thing is, when I have used e.g. Rectangle
instead of ButtonIcon
, everything worked fine! Accessing elements with model.path
did not work either. In ButtonIcon, icon
is defined so:
property alias icon: buttonIcon.source
where buttonIcon is an image with MouseArea.
Been searching through web, found some tricks with JS but that makes things complicated and many developers may use this code later. It would be problematic for them. However, I can access the right path while referring directly to an index:
icon: shapeSidePosList.get(0).path
I tried packing delegate into Component, tried DelegateModel, nothing has given the expected result.
I have no idea what is going on,
I would be very thankful for any help provided.
@iam_peter wrote:
You could try to enforce the path property in the delegate with the required keyword like shown here https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquick-modelviewsdata-modelview.html#view-delegates and see if it yields any other errors.
I have added a required
property to a delegate:
delegate: ButtonIcon {
required property var path // <-- this
required property int index // <-- and this
style: ButtonIcon.Styles.Parallel
icon: path
and it worked. Thank you very much!
The reason has been found. @GrecKo has explained here https://forum.qt.io/topic/141689/qml-gridview-delegate-referenceerror-variable_name-is-not-defined/4:
The reason is most likely because ButtonIcon has a required property itself. When a delegate has one it doesn't provide model roles as context properties anymore but only set those corresponding to explicit required properties.
And the ButtonIcon
had a required property indeed.