There are certain ways to print letters in javascript using unicode FOr example
yields a b , so its the same as putting console.log(b)
But now, I do know there are certains way to console.log bold letters, for example
prints a bold word in the console.
But what would be a function for example to print in bold?
THis is my idea
const printBold = (word: string) => {
//splits the string, gets every letter, and replaces with the bold unicode equivalent
But... im unable to find a unicode equivalent for bold letters, or a way to create a function that logs in bold.
Maybe I can do something like
const map = {
"a": "bold_a",
"b": '𝗯'
And feed the converter with that data, but... where do I get the bold unicodes or characters from? THe only ones I could find, i copied them from this answer
Your current approach is seriously flawed. Those are not bold letters, they are mathematic symbols designed for writing equations. Trying to use them as bold letters will play havock with screen readers.
The console does have features for formatting text which you should use instead.
You can use a format specifier:
const bold = "font-weight: bold";
const normal = "font-weight: normal";
console.log("A string with a %cbold%c word", bold, normal);
Or an ANSI escape sequence