Inherited a project and am trying to run the build.gradle but the dependency is no long on maven... and I have googled and can't find any other active repos. There's a vaadin-spring 1.0.1 but I don't know if that's the same thing. Any body else run into this issue?
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
apply plugin: "fi.jasoft.plugin.vaadin"
The error:
Could not get resource ''.
> Could not HEAD ''. Received status code 502 from server: Bad Gateway
I tried to do a > build gradle and got the error. I have also tried importing a cache on a teammate that has it working but it does not recognize the cache I have imported by replacing my ~/.gradle with my teammates files
It looks like you've added a dependency on the wrong Maven coordinates.
Looking in the Gradle Plugin Portal I can see that the dependency should be classpath("fi.jasoft.plugin:gradle-vaadin-plugin:1.0.1")
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
// wrong coordinates:
// classpath('fi.jasoft.plugin.vaadin:fi.jasoft.plugin.vaadin.gradle.plugin:1.0.1')
// correct coordinates:
The coordinates you had used, fi.jasoft.plugin.vaadin:fi.jasoft.plugin.vaadin.gradle.plugin:1.0.1
, do actually exist in the Gradle Plugin Portal Maven repo, but there's no JAR. Why is this?
The reason for this is that Gradle plugins require a marker artifact, so that Gradle can identify plugins using an ID in the plugins block DSL.
For this reason, I recommend you replace using the buildscript {}
block to define plugins, and instead use the new plugins {}
plugins {
id "fi.jasoft.plugin.vaadin" version "1.0.1"