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How to write a method that uses global variable in Svelte?

I'm currently working on my first Svelte project, and have run into a problem with recyclability of code.

I have a few components that use the same functionality, so of course I want to put the shared functionality in a file where my components can import methods from.

I have run into a problem where the methods that I import does not know about variables that are attached to my component.

Minimal, working example (code below);

In this example App import the transformName method, but does not know about name. When looking at the two components, Greetings and Goodbye you can see that I have made the exact same method in both components which works as expected.


    import Greeting from './Greeting.svelte'
    import Goodbye from './Goodbye.svelte'
    import {transformName} from './transformName.js'
    let name = 'globalName';
    <Greeting name="world"/>
    <Goodbye name="my friend"/>
    <h1>Hello {transformName()}!</h1>


export function transformName() {
    return name.toUpperCase();


    export let name;
    function transformName() {
        return name.toUpperCase();
    Goodbye {transformName()}



    export let name;
    function transformName() {
        return name.toUpperCase();
    Hello, {transformName()}

I've thought of just taking in the name as a parameter to the method, but that feels redundant and I would have to refactor a lot of code for this approach to work.

So, my question is; Is it possible to write a method that can be in a separate file and still know about variables on the component it is imported into?


  • You only have to pass a variable to the method. I've changed a litle your REPL and you could try this new

    In resume, in transformName.js:

    export function transformName(name) {
      return name.toUpperCase();

    And App.svelte:

    <h1>Hello {transformName(name)}!</h1>