I have a table called Quotations and it has an unique string field called QuotationNo.
public class Quotation
public int Id { get; set; } //PK
public string QuotationNo{ get; set; } // Pattern QUOT/12-22/00001 => QUOT + MONTH-YEAR + PrimaryKey.ToStrin("5d");
So I have implemented it by calling _db.SaveChanges() method twice as follows.
if (ModelState.IsValid)
_db.SaveChanges(); // 1 time saving
quot.QuotationNo= "QUOT/" + DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MM/") + quot.Id.ToString("D5");
_db.SaveChanges(); // 2 time saving
Is there a short way to do this?
I found this method is more clear.
Step 1: Creating new field in the table to store DateCreated.
Step 2: Making QuotationNo a virtual and NotMapped field, which is always a calculated/generated field.
See the code
public class Quotation
public int Id { get; set; } //PK
public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; } //New field to store quotation created date.
public virtual string? QuotationNo //Ax Key(Quotation No: QUOT/01-22/0000001=> PQTN/mmYY/0000000)
return $"QUOT/{this.DateCreated:dd-MM/}{PolyCostingId:D5}";
this.PolyCostingCode = value;