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How can I get rid of the 'no changelog could be found' error related to Liquibase without using Liquibase?

I'm working with the project, where I have as a POM file:



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While I'm running the current version of the project, I'm getting constantly the issue as:

Liquibase failed to start because no changelog could be found at 'classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml'.

I've already researched answers based on:

  2. Liquibase failed to start because no changelog could be found at 'Migration File: class path
  3. Why liquibase unable to resolved the db.changelog classpath?

and my question based on it is:

if I don't have any requirements in the task to use Liquibase as an additional tool, can I fix this issue somehow and avoid it as I don't need it.

If yes, do you know what can be the cause of reproducing it? What do I need to change in my POM specifically to remove this error?

I'm asking it, because if I remove the dependency as liquibase-core:


I'm getting another issue as:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: liquibase.exception.ChangeLogParseException

and to solve it, I need to add dependency of Liquibase.

I can provide any additional details, if you need.

Thank you in advance for any smart ideas.


  • As one of the use cases, it can be added the changelog file:


    inside the directory resource/db/changelog/ with the following content as:

      - changeSet:
          id: 1
          author: invzbl3
    name: db.changelog-master.yaml
    environment: testing
    is-enabled: false

    using is-enabled with the value as false.