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Angular with reactive sidenav

I'm trying to create something reactive, just for learning purposes, so please ignore the project structure =).

My folder structure





<mat-toolbar color="aries-primary" class="text-espacin">
  <button mat-icon-button (click)="toggle()">
  <span>My App</span>
  <span class="example-spacer"></span>
export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private toggleService: ToggleService) {

  private status: boolean = false;

  public toggle(): void {
    this.status = this.toggleService.toggleStatus(this.status);

  ngOnInit(): void {



  <mat-sidenav [(opened)]="opened" mode="side">Start</mat-sidenav>
export class SidenavComponent implements OnInit {
  public opened: boolean = this.toggleService.getStatus();

  constructor(private toggleService: ToggleService) {

  ngOnInit(): void {


And my service

export class ToggleService {
  private status: boolean = false;
  public toggleStatus(value: boolean) {
    return this.status = !value;

  public getStatus() {
    return this.status;

  constructor() { }

When I click on the header button, there is no change in the sidenav, it is not opening and closing. As I understand it, the sidenav just calls the status (which starts with false) when the page is loaded. I would have to create something "reactive" to listen to the event. Would it be this? Now I got lost. If anyone can help, I appreciate it.


  • You can't store a value in a service variable the way you are trying to do it. Every time you will call the service, this line :

    private status: boolean = false;

    will instantiate the variable to false.

    To keep track of states, you should store values in local storage, or use a token service.