I have this little piece of code:
DelaunayTriangulationBuilder builder = new DelaunayTriangulationBuilder();
Geometry triangulation = builder.getTriangles(new GeometryFactory());
It will tessellate a Geometry to create a list of triangles. I want to use this result in a 3d application, but in order to optimize the storage space I would like to have it in the following structure:
I have a hard time finding an efficient way to do that using the JTS DelaunayTriangulationBuilder class.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
I think that rather than a Geometry
you want to work with a QuadEdgeSubdivision
. Then you can have code like:
QuadEdgeSubdivision quadEdgeSubdivision = builder.getSubdivision();
Collection<QuadEdge> primaryEdges = quadEdgeSubdivision.getPrimaryEdges(false);
for (QuadEdge edge : primaryEdges) {
if (quadEdgeSubdivision.isFrameEdge(edge)){
// this is an outer edge
// Edges have vertexes and are part of a triangle
Vertex[] v = new Vertex[3];
v[0] = edge.orig();
v[1] = edge.dest();
v[2] = edge.oNext().dest();
// or you can get a LineString
LineSegment lineSegment = edges[i].toLineSegment();
You can see this sort of thing in action in the GeoTools Contour process that I wrote about a couple of years ago.