Here's a part of my build.gradle:
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
maven {
url "https://artifactory.(...)/artifactory/jcenter/"
credentials {
username artifactoryUsername
password artifactoryPassword
maven {
url "https://artifactory.(...)/artifactory/libs-release-local/"
credentials {
username artifactoryUsername
password artifactoryPassword
configurations {
[amq, amqBundles, amqExtensions]
dependencies {
amq(group: 'com.redhat', name: 'amq-broker', version: '7.10.0', ext: 'zip')
amqBundles(group: "org.postgresql", name: "postgresql", version: "42.2.14", ext: "jar")
amqExtensions(group: "biz.paluch.logging", name: "logstash-gelf", version: "1.14.1", ext: "jar")
task extractAmq(type: Copy) {
from configurations.amq.files
into "$buildDir/software/amq"
And here's the error I get when I run "gradle help":
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'installer'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':amq'.
> Could not find com.redhat:amq-broker:7.10.0.
Searched in the following locations:
- https://artifactory.(...)/artifactory/jcenter/com/redhat/amq-broker/7.10.0/amq-broker-7.10.0.pom
- https://artifactory.(...)/artifactory/libs-release-local/com/redhat/amq-broker/7.10.0/amq-broker-7.10.0.pom
Required by:
project :
It fails at the "from configurations.amq.files" line.
Why is it looking for a .pom instead of .zip and how can I fix that?
I added metadataSources to the repositories like so:
repositories {
maven {
url "https://artifactory.(...)/artifactory/jcenter/"
credentials {
username artifactoryUsername
password artifactoryPassword
maven {
url "https://artifactory.(...)/artifactory/libs-release-local/"
credentials {
username artifactoryUsername
password artifactoryPassword
and it fixed the issue.