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Return parameters in Kubeflow pipeline component

Im trying to return several parameters from a kubeflow component. Following the documentation it says you should use OutputPath where T is one of the types in python (str, float, int...) so I have this:

def basic_data_drifting(current_csv: Input[Dataset],
                        reference_csv: Input[Dataset],
                        report_html: Output[HTML],
                        data_drift_score: OutputPath(float),
                        value: OutputPath(float)):

I know, for the documentation, that if my parameter is a string, I should use:

with open(myoutputpathstr, 'w') as output_file:
    output_file.write("my string")

But I cant find any example of returning floats. ints, bools... should I cast them to str? always storing them as a file? Whats the point of having <T> instead of only str?

Thanks in advance!


  • Here are two ways to get the data from component

    1. using return from component function
    2. save and load data with from kfp.components import OutputPath

    I provides examples about return, OutputPath, InputPath with code.

    1. case 1: return single value, type of <T>

      from kfp.components import func_to_container_op   
      # I make component using `kfp.components.func_to_container_op`
      def case_1(value_1: int, value_2: int) -> int:  # to use return, write '-> {type}' 
          result = value_1 + value_2       
          return result    # it can be int, float, bouble, str, bool, .... 
      case_1_op = func_to_container_op(func = case_1,
                                       base_image = 'case_1/tag:0.1',
    2. case 2: return multiple value

      from kfp.components import func_to_container_op   
      from typing import NamedTuple
      # If there are multiple return values, wrap them in a tuple.
      # And use `NamedTuple`
      def case_2(value_1: int) -> NamedTuple('Output', [("key_of_foo", int), 
                                                        ('key_of_bar', str),
                                                        ('key_of_baz', bool)]):
          foo = value_1        # int
          bar = "2"            # str
          baz = True           # bool
          return (foo, bar, baz)      #  wrap them in a tuple.
      case_2_op = func_to_container_op(func = case_2,
                                       base_image = 'case_2/tag:0.1',
    3. case 3: save data to file using kfp.components.OutputPath.

      def case_3(value_1: str, value_2: int, value_3: bool,
              file_path: OutputPath("dict")):      
              # 'OutputPath' has a naming rule: it must end with `_path`.
          import json
          exam_dict = dict(one = value_1,
                            two = [value_2, value_3])
          json.dump(exam_dict, open(file_path, "w"), indent=4) 
      case_3_op = func_to_container_op(func = case_3,
                                       base_image = 'case_3/tag:0.1',
    4. case 4: load data from file using kfp.components.InputPath.

    def case_4(data_input: InputPath("dict")): 
        import json
        with open(data_input, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
            data = json.load(f)
        print(data)     # {'one': '2', 'two': [1, True]}
    case_4_op = func_to_container_op(func = case_4,
                                     base_image = 'case_4/tag:0.1',


    import kfp.dsl as dsl
    def data_example(value_1: int, value_2:int):
        _case_1_op = case_1_op(value_1, value_2)
        # case of input from single return
        _case_2_op = case_2_op(_case_1_op.output)   
        # case of input from multi value return. input value using key.
        # key name must match each key in the NamedTuple.
        _case_3_op = case_3_op(_case_2_op.outputs['key_of_bar'], _case_2_op.outputs['key_of_foo'], _case_2_op.outputs['key_of_baz'])
        # case of input from path. input path using key.
        # The key name must match the OutputPath name without '_path'.
        _case_4_op = case_4_op(_case_3_op.outputs["file"])  

    I'm not sure if this answer is what you asked for, but I hope this helps.