Search code examples

Combine array of objects into another array per table row

I have a checkout table from where I obtain the values to later send as an API POST request. I've built two separate arrays and now I need to combine them, and I'm having trouble to achieve this.

This is my code:

let orderItems = "";
let orderArray = [];
let prodsArray = [];
let datesObj = {};
let modifiersArray = [];
let comboMealsArray = [];
let modifiersObj = {};
let modifierID;
let modifierPrice;

for(var i = 0; i < jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item .wc-item-meta li").length; i++){//get modifier id and price from table

  modifierID = jQuery(".hidden-modifier-id").eq(i).text();//modifier id is hidden from frontend but obtainable
  modifierPrice = jQuery(".wc-item-meta .amount").eq(i).text();//each modifier price

  let removePriceSymbols = modifierPrice.replace("€","");
  let formatPrice = removePriceSymbols.replace(",", ".");
  if(formatPrice === ""){
    formatPrice = 0;
  let actualModifierPrice = parseFloat(formatPrice);

  modifiersObj = {[modifierID]: actualModifierPrice}; //outputs: {2971: 1}

console.log(modifiersArray); // outputs: [{2971: 1}, {2972: 1.5}, {2972: 1.5}, {2971: 1}, {2972: 1.5}, 2990: 0}]

for(var i = 0; i < jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item").length; i++){//get order values from checkout table per row
  let prodsObj = {};
  let prodName = jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item > .product-name > a").eq(i).text();//get prodName from table cell
  let prodQuant = jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item > .product-name > .product-quantity").eq(i).text();//get prodQuant from table cell
  let prodDelivetyId = jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item > .product-name > #delivety_api_id_field").eq(i).text();//get delivety prod api id from table cell
  let prodTotal = jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item > .product-total > .amount").eq(i).text();//get prodTotal from table cell
  let removeQuantSymbols = prodQuant.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"");
  let removePriceSymbols = prodTotal.replace("€","");
  let formatPrice = removePriceSymbols.replace(",", ".");

  orderItems += prodName + "  " + prodQuant + "  " + prodTotal + "\r\n"; 

  let actualID = parseInt(orderNumber);
  let actualQuant = parseInt(removeQuantSymbols);
  let actualApiID = parseInt(prodDelivetyId);
  let actualPrice = parseFloat(formatPrice);    
  let prodTotalUni = actualPrice / actualQuant;

  // = prodName;
  // = actualID;
  prodsObj.api_id = actualApiID;
  prodsObj.count = actualQuant;
  prodsObj.price = prodTotalUni;
  prodsObj.modifiers = modifiersArray;


This is my table chekcout and this is what my API response looks like:


And I want it to look like this:


I'm not quite sure how I would achieve this and I'm even having trouble explaning my problem correctly but hopefully you can understand by looking at my code/examples.

This is my table input structure:

<table class="woocommerce-table woocommerce-table--order-details shop_table order_details">

                <th class="woocommerce-table__product-name product-name">Product</th>
                <th class="woocommerce-table__product-table product-total">Total</th>

            <tr class="woocommerce-table__line-item order_item">

    <td class="woocommerce-table__product-name product-name">
        <a>Fried Chicken</a><span id="delivety_api_id_field">2753</span> <strong class="product-quantity">×&nbsp;1</strong><ul class="wc-item-meta"><li><strong class="wc-item-meta-label">Side Dishes Options:</strong> <p>Rice<span class="hidden-modifier-id">2971</span> (+<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">1,00&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></span>)</p></li><li><strong class="wc-item-meta-label">Side Dishes Options:</strong> <p>French Fries<span class="hidden-modifier-id">2972</span> (+<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">1,50&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></span>)</p></li></ul> </td>

    <td class="woocommerce-table__product-total product-total">
        <span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi>10,50&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></bdi></span>  </td>


<tr class="woocommerce-table__line-item order_item">

    <td class="woocommerce-table__product-name product-name">
        <a>Fried Chicken</a><span id="delivety_api_id_field">2753</span> <strong class="product-quantity">×&nbsp;1</strong><ul class="wc-item-meta"><li><strong class="wc-item-meta-label">Side Dishes Options:</strong> <p>French Fries<span class="hidden-modifier-id">2972</span> (+<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">1,50&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></span>)</p></li></ul>    </td>

    <td class="woocommerce-table__product-total product-total">
        <span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi>9,50&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></bdi></span>   </td>


<tr class="woocommerce-table__line-item order_item">

    <td class="woocommerce-table__product-name product-name">
        <a>Steak</a><span id="delivety_api_id_field">2748</span> <strong class="product-quantity">×&nbsp;1</strong><ul class="wc-item-meta"><li><strong class="wc-item-meta-label">Side Dishes Options:</strong> <p>Rice<span class="hidden-modifier-id">2971</span> (+<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">1,00&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></span>)</p></li><li><strong class="wc-item-meta-label">Side Dishes Options:</strong> <p>French Fries<span class="hidden-modifier-id">2972</span> (+<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">1,50&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></span>)</p></li><li><strong class="wc-item-meta-label">Preparation:</strong> <p>Rare<span class="hidden-modifier-id">2990</span></p></li></ul>    </td>

    <td class="woocommerce-table__product-total product-total">
        <span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi>14,50&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></bdi></span>  </td>



                        <th scope="row">Subtotal:</th>
                        <td><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">34,50&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></span></td>
                        <th scope="row">Shipping:</th>
                        <td>Local pickup</td>
                        <th scope="row">Payment method:</th>
                        <th scope="row">Total:</th>
                        <td><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">34,50&nbsp;<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></span></td>


  • Edit after all comments

      let orderItems = "";
    let orderArray = [];
    let prodsArray = [];
    let datesObj = {};
    let comboMealsArray = [];
    let modifiersObj = {};
    let modifierID;
    let modifierPrice;
    for(var i = 0; i < jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item").length; i++){//get order values from checkout table per row
      let prodsObj = {};
      let prodName = jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item > .product-name > a").eq(i).text();//get prodName from table cell
      let prodQuant = jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item > .product-name > .product-quantity").eq(i).text();//get prodQuant from table cell
      let prodDelivetyId = jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item > .product-name > #delivety_api_id_field").eq(i).text();//get delivety prod api id from table cell
      let prodTotal = jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item > .product-total > .amount").eq(i).text();//get prodTotal from table cell
      let removeQuantSymbols = prodQuant.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"");
      let removePriceSymbols = prodTotal.replace("€","");
      let formatPrice = removePriceSymbols.replace(",", ".");
      orderItems += prodName + "  " + prodQuant + "  " + prodTotal + "\r\n"; 
      let modifiersArray = [];
      let prodMods = jQuery(".woocommerce-table__line-item.order_item").eq(i).find("li");
      for(let prodMod of prodMods) {
        modifierID = jQuery(".hidden-modifier-id", prodMod).text();//modifier id is hidden from frontend but obtainable
        modifierPrice = jQuery(".amount", prodMod).text();//each modifier price
        let removePriceSymbols = modifierPrice.replace("€","");
        let formatPrice = removePriceSymbols.replace(",", ".");
        if(formatPrice === ""){
          formatPrice = 0;
        let actualModifierPrice = parseFloat(formatPrice);
        modifiersObj = {[modifierID]: actualModifierPrice}; //outputs: {2971: 1}
      let actualID = parseInt(orderNumber);
      let actualQuant = parseInt(removeQuantSymbols);
      let actualApiID = parseInt(prodDelivetyId);
      let actualPrice = parseFloat(formatPrice);    
      let prodTotalUni = actualPrice / actualQuant;
  = prodName; = actualID;
      prodsObj.api_id = actualApiID;
      prodsObj.count = actualQuant;
      prodsObj.price = prodTotalUni;
      prodsObj.modifiers = modifiersArray;

    I feel like you should learn a bit more about jQuery, there are things that you can do with it that really fits this situation (like searching for data in a given context). I'll maybe try to refine this even more at some point, but at least this works the way you intended it. What I've done is create a second loop INSIDE the main loop, that iterates over each li element that represents a modifier, then jQueried the data you needed in that li element context.