I have column in oracle DB which is stored values in this format
'20-DEC-2022 PM'
'02-DEC-2022 AM'
'02-NOV-2022 PM'
'02-MAY-2022 AM'
From Java, I need to compare with system time against emp_updt_timestmp column. Does below query fetch correct results?
I will pass the current time from java['20-12-2022 04.02.12 PM']. Do I need to pass in this format only from Java?
.select * from emp where emp_updt_timestmp >= to_timestamp('20-12-2022 04.02.12 PM','dd-mm-yyyy hh.mi.ss AM')
You can use a TIMESTAMP
select *
from emp
where emp_updt_timestmp >= TIMESTAMP '2022-12-20 16:02:12'
or strings in whatever format you want (so long as the format model matches the format of the string):
select *
from emp
where emp_updt_timestmp >= to_timestamp('20-12-2022 04.02.12 PM','dd-mm-yyyy hh.mi.ss AM')
or, for example, an ISO8601 format:
select *
from emp
where emp_updt_timestmp >= to_timestamp('2022-12-20T16:02:12','YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS')
or, better, you can use a prepared statement and bind variables:
select *
from emp
where emp_updt_timestmp >= ?
and then in your Java code you can use PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp)
or oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement.setTIMESTAMP(oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP)
to bind the value to it.