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Photon, Disable component on player from another client

I'm trying to disable a light component from another component on a player. I've tried a couple of methods, mostly the same.

void Update()
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))
        transform.GetComponent<PhotonView>().RPC("EnableFlash", RpcTarget.All,;

void EnableFlash(string name)
    Light light = GetComponent<Light>();
    light.enabled = !light.enabled;

This is turning my light off, this cannot be seen on other clients for some reason and there are no errors for this piece of code.

Second try:

void Update()
    // Torch on//off
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))
        pv.RPC("LightToggled", RpcTarget.All,, torchActive);
        torchActive = !torchActive;

public void LightToggled(string name, bool active)
    GameObject g = GameObject.Find(name);
    GameObject light = g.GetComponent<PlayerExtras>().torch.gameObject;

This does not work either.


  • As @DigvijaysinhGohil said in the comment under my question said I needed to make sure that both clients had the same name. They did not so to fix this i had to change the name of the player with the script below:

    void Start()
        string name_ = pv.Owner.ToString();
        name_ = name_.Split()[1]; = name_;

    this script changes it from #01 'jerry' to 'jerry'. this changed on all clients and made sure that they are the same name.
