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Converting a JSON into pnadas dataframe and a variable using function

I have a JSON file in the below format and I want to convert it into a pandas dataframe using a function. The fuction should return the dataframe and the sensorID.

sensor_data_df, sensorID = ImporterFunction( json_str )

• Input 1: json_str

o Type: String

• Output 1: sensor_data_df

o Type: Pandas dataframe

• Output 2: SensorID

o Type: stirng

"SensorId": "B22EA071",
"startUTC": 1671490577,
"endUTC": 1671516101,
"Data": [
        "TimeStamp": 1671490584,
        "V1": 21.1,
        "TimeStamp": 1671490666,
        "V1": 21,

The dataframe should be like this.

startUTC endUTC Timestamp V1
1671490577 1671516101 1671490584 21.1
1671490577 1671516101 1671490666 21

How can I do this in python?


  • If I am not misunderstood your requirements then this is what you need, use json_normalize to make dict to df

    import json
    import pandas as pd
    from import json_normalize
    def ImporterFunction(json_str):
        data = json.loads(json_str)
        sensorID = data['SensorId']
        df = json_normalize(data, 'Data', ['startUTC', 'endUTC'])
        return df, sensorID
    json_str = '{"SensorId": "B22EA071","startUTC": 1671490577,"endUTC": 1671516101,"Data": [{"TimeStamp": 1671490584,"V1": 21.1},{"TimeStamp": 1671490666,"V1": 21}]}'
    sensor_data_df, sensorID = ImporterFunction(json_str)


        TimeStamp    V1    startUTC      endUTC
    0  1671490584  21.1  1671490577  1671516101
    1  1671490666  21.0  1671490577  1671516101