A simple way to render the content of a markdown file when it's passed as a string to another component using .compiledContent (or even using .rawContnent)? Or even a better way than this as obviously usually in Astro we can use the <Content /> Component, but from my knowledge, I can't pass a component or this functionality to another component without using a <slot /> in the parent component.
I have some JS for the parent component and using a <slot/> instead of passing the props to the component would change things, so hopefully looking for a solution with using this.
as markdown files with a year and a description formatted as markdown in the content section of each fileTabs.astro
which takes props of headings and contents which are both lists of strings/src/pages/experience.astro
with the Tabs component in it which is displaying this dataI take the below code to get the data from the markdown files and pass the years and descriptions to the Tab component.
import Tabs from "../components/Tabs.astro";
const jobs = await Astro.glob("../data/experience/*.md");
const years = jobs.map((job) => job.frontmatter.year);
const descriptions = jobs.map((job) => job.compiledContent);
<!-- My component taking the data to be rendered -->
<Tabs headings={years} contents={descriptions} />
And the component renders the info like so
<!-- Tabs -->
<div class="tabs">
<ul class="tabs-header">
headings.map((heading) => (
<ul class="tabs-content">
{contents.map((content) => <li class="tab">{content}</li>)}
At the moment using .compiledContent
gets me the correct HTML, however it is all in a string so the HTML doesn't actually render.
p.s Also happy to concede and just use a <slot/> in my component if needed... ;)
Astro has a set:html
directive you can use in combination with a Fragment like this
<Fragment set:html={post.compiledContent()}/>