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Logic Apps :: parse JSON or CSV and make a list of e-mails separated by semi column

I created a Logic Apps that allows me to query the Azure Resource Graph Explorer and send a list of untagged resources through e-mail.

The Logic Apps is parsing JSON and putting the results in CSV. The CSV looks like this:

name type location tags_createdBy
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines westeurope [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines eastus [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines eastus [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines eastus [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines eastus [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines westeurope [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines eastus [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines eastus [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines eastus [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines germanywestcentral [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines westeurope [email protected]
Resource microsoft.compute/virtualmachines switzerlandnorth [email protected]
Resource microsoft.sql/servers/databases eastus
Resource westeurope
Resource switzerlandnorth [email protected]
Resource eastus [email protected]
Resource germanywestcentral [email protected]
Resource germanywestcentral [email protected]
Resource eastus
Resource eastus
Resource eastus [email protected]
Resource eastus
Resource westeurope

I would like to parse the tags_createdBy column and take a list of e-mails.

In this case in example the e-mails will be only 3:

I then would like to insert those e-mails in the list of recipients because I want them to receive that e-mail, like this:

enter image description here

So the question is how to:

  1. parse JSON or CSV file
  2. take each value only one and erase NULLs
  3. separate each value by a column or semi column
  4. insert that into the e-mail recipient in Logic App.


  • After reproducing from my end, I could able to get this work by Parsing the json initially. Considering below is the Json, I have used Parse JSON action in order to extract tags_createdBy column.

        "location": "westeurope",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "westeurope",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "germanywestcentral",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "westeurope",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "switzerlandnorth",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "",
        "type": "microsoft.sql/servers/databases"
        "location": "westeurope",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "",
        "type": ""
        "location": "switzerlandnorth",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": ""
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": ""
        "location": "germanywestcentral",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": ""
        "location": "germanywestcentral",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": ""
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "",
        "type": ""
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "",
        "type": ""
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "[email protected]",
        "type": ""
        "location": "eastus",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "",
        "type": ""
        "location": "westeurope",
        "name": "Resource",
        "tags_createdBy": "",
        "type": ""

    Here is the flow of my logic app which extracts tags_createdBy from the json and saves it in an array variable using Append to array variable.

    enter image description here

    To remove duplicates and get only the unique values, I have used union and filtered the array to remove null values from the resultant. Below is the expression and the flow used in my logic app.


    Expression to replace ',' with ';'


    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    enter image description here