Search code examples

How do I use point in time with search after in ElasticSearch JAVA API?

I'm trying to test pagination in the latest release (8.5) with point-in-time and search after in the Java API. I don't know exactly how to implement it as the Java API documentation is barely existent and the only reference being the elasticsearch one. I've tried this:

public List<Offer> searchOffer(OfferRequest request) throws IOException {
        List<Offer> offers=new ArrayList<>();
        Query query = prepareSearchElasticQuery(request);

        PointInTimeReference.Builder pit=new PointInTimeReference.Builder();
        pit.keepAlive(new Time.Builder().time("1m").build());

        SearchResponse<Offer> response = -> s
                        .sort(new SortOptions.Builder().field(f>f.field("offerId").order(SortOrder.Asc))),

But I'm not sure if it's the correct way to build it, and also what argument should searchAfter() take.

Edit: I ran a query on the first elements before the page I want and got the id of the last document. Then I passed it to the searchAfter method:

SearchResponse<Offer> response = -> s
                        .sort(new SortOptions.Builder()
                                .field(f-> f.field("offerId").order(SortOrder.Asc))


  • The searchAfter receive list parameters from your Sort. I see you use "offerId" to sort results, so you must put inside searchAfter the last value sort of response hits.