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json.Unmarshal not work even though there is an export field

json file:

  "student_class": [
      "student_id": 1,
      "class_id": 2
      "student_id": 1,
      "class_id": 1


package studentClass

type StudentClasses struct {
    StudentClasses []StudentClass

type StudentClass struct {
    StudentId int `json:"student_id"`
    ClassId   int `json:"class_id"`

my function:

func Read() {
    var studentClasses studentClass.StudentClasses
    jsonFile, err := os.Open("db/student_class.json")
    if err != nil {
    defer jsonFile.Close()

    byteValue, _ := io.ReadAll(jsonFile)
    json.Unmarshal(byteValue, &studentClasses)

    for i := 0; i < len(studentClasses.StudentClasses); i++ {


It return nothing

When i add fmt.Println(studentClasses) after json.Unmarshall... then it return {[]} Error off json.Unmarshal is nil

I have researched about this problem but people with the same problem as me are saying that struct's field is not exported. Example: go json.Unmarshal do not working I do not know where the error is and what am I doing wrong Please help me to solve this problem. thanks everyone!


  • You didn't specify the json name for StudentClasses.

    type StudentClasses struct {
        StudentClasses []StudentClass `json:"student_class"`


    package main
    import (
    type StudentClasses struct {
        StudentClasses []StudentClass `json:"student_class,omitempty"`
    type StudentClass struct {
        StudentId int `json:"student_id"`
        ClassId   int `json:"class_id"`
    func main() {
        _json := `{
      "student_class": [
          "student_id": 1,
          "class_id": 2
          "student_id": 1,
          "class_id": 1
        var studentClasses StudentClasses
        json.Unmarshal([]byte(_json), &studentClasses)
        fmt.Printf("%+v", studentClasses)