I have trouble with generating Javadoc, it complains
"Uknown throwable @throws pl.sydygaliev.java_journey.model.exception.WrongFormatException"
Here's the body of javadoc comment
* The method that is used to handle given keyword.
* If keyword has illegal values, it returns null.
* @param keyword is used for keyword validation
* @return keyword with given value or null if keyword
* has unacceptable characters
* @throws WrongFormatException when there is unacceptable
* character for the keyword
public String handleKeyword(String keyword) {
Javadoc Body of the custom exception
package pl.sydygaliev.java_journey.model.exception;
public class WrongFormatException extends Exception{
InitialHandlerAndStorer class where javadoc trouble occured and subpackage of custom exceptions within that package
It appears that the method must have the following syntax:
public String handleKeyword(String keyword) throws WrongFormatException{
But since I had try and catch block within the function I couldn't create the above syntax. I removed try and catch block in the method and added the try and catch block elsewhere, where method was called