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How to use v-bind in css with Nuxt.js ar Server Side

I want to have dynamic color scheme to my pages. Based on the url, I send an API request that fetches the color scheme from the database.

For this, I fetch the colors in the nuxtServerInit store hook. I then use v-bind() in CSS to dynamically color the components.

For reference, Ex:

    #main-container {
      max-width: 500px;
      margin: auto;
      background-color: v-bind('designTemplate.backgroundColor');

Here, designTemplate is a computed variable that fetches the value from the store.

I am using SSG. On inspection of the generated files, I can see that the colors are not bound to css and the server rendered page does not have the required colors.

In the generated file, I am seeing


But the css variable fec1f7e is not found in the file. Only during hydration is the colors actually applied.


  • Update: Solved the problem. Used an alternate way of accomplishing my requirement.

    Instead of using v-bind in css, I created root level css variables. This was done in the head section of my page.

    head() {
     return {
       style: [
              cssText: `
                :root {
                  --base-color: ${this.designTemplate.baseColor};
                  --background-color: ${this.designTemplate.backgroundColor};
              type: 'text/css'

    With this in place, I can access these variables in all my files and style them as:

        #main-container {
          max-width: 500px;
          margin: auto;
          background-color: v-bind('designTemplate.backgroundColor');

    The css variables are injected in the head of the html and with server side generation, I get a properly colored server rendered page.